The course will cover basic statistics and how these statistics can be understood and used in researching educational science questions. The contents of the course aim at giving the students an understanding of descriptive vs inferential statistics, univariate and bivariate analysis, data management and analysis in the statistics program Jamovi, and the importance of using statistical methods appropriate for the research question and the data at hand.
The contents of the course
therefore include topics such as data levels of measurement and scales, sampling and
measurement procedures, parametric vs non-parametric statistics, and tests of significance.
Further, the course covers descriptive statistics in terms of measures of central tendency and
dispersion, univariate/bivariate analysis and measures of association in terms of correlation and
regression. The course puts much emphasis on application, and each lecture will be
accompanied by hands-on practice in performing statistical analyses, interpretation and
presentation of results
- Teacher: Jayrold Arcede